Re: [css-variables] CSS Variables are a NEW kind of variable

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Brian Kardell <> wrote:
>> This is pretty much exactly what's currently in the draft, except the
>> draft uses a var- prefix.
> Yeah, I guess I should have clarified that was way too short and
> missing important points.  I have a tendency to go the other way and
> be overly verbose which I am trying to fight... Let me try again...
>  As I said before, I like the draft "as is" in all of the moving parts
> and everything - I even am not personally confused by var-.  However,
> given the evolution and where it ended up, I see that this is causing
> a lot of confusion and also that once you zero in on "it's just a
> special property," people seem to get it a lot quicker.  What I was
> saying then was, keep the key points, but lose all "variable"
> reference -- is that a non-starter?
> Like, why not just call it the "CSS Author Defined Properties" and use
> that metaphor all the way down - keeping all the same parts:  def-* is
> a space to hang author defined properties (like data-* in HTML).  Some
> function allows you access to them specially (again, like dataset in
> HTML, they don't have data- prefixes there either), and $  is a
> shorthand to that function (again, like dataset without the data-).

You're explaining too much, which is confusing me - it seems like you
think the draft is further away from what you're suggesting than it

As far as I can tell, the only thing you're suggesting is to change
the "var-" prefix on the properties to "def-".  Everything else you've
suggested is already in the draft.  Correct?


Received on Thursday, 14 June 2012 17:53:37 UTC