RE: [css-variables] CSS Variables are a NEW kind of variable

[Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu:]
[violent snipping]
> I would encourage folks to come up with/identify more proposals that are not
> "property-like", ideally ranked by preference so that we have better
> chance to converge.

+1 to that. While I can definitely sympathize with the type of concern Chris and
Divya are expressing I have a hard time reaching a conclusion without concrete 
alternatives I can compare. So I understand what Tab is explaining but since 
explaining != convincing (obviously) I'm sort of stuck.

> Whether this is trivial or not, syntax bike-shedding seems to be the main topic of this thread.

Well, this member would rather get the bikeshedding done and over with early on; that would be 
orders of magnitude better than right before Last Call when we have 3+ implementations, countless 
web sites and hundreds of well-known tutorials, demos and blog post assuming the current syntax. 
Especially for a feature which, imo, we absolutely do not want to put out in to the wild under
multiple vendor prefixes. The bikeshedding will happen anyway; sooner may be better than later.

Received on Thursday, 14 June 2012 17:47:30 UTC