Re: [CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Telecon 2012-06-13

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 4:33 AM, Marat Tanalin |
<> wrote:
> 14.06.2012, 01:41, "fantasai" <>:
>>    glazou: Some people wanted to test for the presence of scripting or not.
>>    florian: Oh yes, I forgot about that. I already have a draft about that.
>>    <nimbu> wait is this similar to @supports by dbaron?
>>    <TabAtkins> nimbu: Only insofar as @supports is kinda a Media Query.
> Does this mean that it's planned to include css3-conditional into Media Queries Level 4?
> `@supports` feature in particular is _extremely_ important and demanded in real world (IMO, `@supports` is much more primary than adding _any_ new CSS features since, once added, `@supports` would give ability to properly [fast, usably, clearly, and future-proofly] detect and use all new features [added _after_ `@supports`] via pure CSS). Currently it's always handled via JavaScript.

No, there was nothing about that at all.  It was just idle chatter in
the room.  I was simply drawing a parallel between @supports and
@media, as they both do very similar things.


Received on Thursday, 14 June 2012 17:02:28 UTC