[cssom-view] scrollHeight and scrollWidth definitions have some problems

There are two issues here:

1)  For things that are scrollable the use of "content height" makes no
     sense.  I believe this has been raised previously... and nothing

2)  For things that are not scrollable the current text says to return
     the padding-box dimensions, but the only UAs that actually do that
     are WebKit and IE9 in IE7 mode.  Everyone else, including IE9 in
     other modes, returns border-box dimensions, according to
     https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=755971#c57 and

For issue #2, the choice between border-box and padding-box is only 
mandated by compat considerations, as far as I can see.  Apart from 
those, it's arbitrary.  So it would probably make sense to align the 
spec with the majority of implementations, unless there's some important 
reason for padding-box that I'm missing.

For issue #1, the spec just needs to be fixed to say something useful.


Received on Wednesday, 13 June 2012 02:43:59 UTC