Re: [css3-writing-modes] height: fill-available's behavior is suboptimal

On Thursday 2012-06-07 17:23 -0700, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> Right now, fill-available is defined as taking the width/height of the
> containing block and subtracting the element's relevant box-model
> properties, so it fills up the containing block entirely.  This works
> fine for 'width', given the way that various defaults work, but it's
> bad for 'height'.
> Ideally, height:fill-available would work similarly to how height:100%
> does in quirks mode - it walks up the tree until it finds a box with a
> defined height (stopping at the ICB), and sets itself to that height
> minus the box-model props.
> We could make it so that a height:min-content or height:fit-content on
> the ancestor tree also stops the walk, and makes fill-available
> resolve to the auto height instead, if we really want a switch.
> Without this change, height:fill-available is about as useless as
> height:100% is today - for it to do anything, you have to manually set
> it on all the ancestors too.

The quirks mode behavior is complicated for implementations and
requires disabling some speed optimizations.

I'm also not sure it's all that useful given that in many cases you
do want to subtract margin/border/padding rather than have the same
value as the parent or ancestor.

What I might really want this to do is have the behavior I described
in .
How does the current definition differ from this?


𝄞   L. David Baron                  𝄂
𝄢   Mozilla                    𝄂

Received on Friday, 8 June 2012 03:35:19 UTC