Re: [css3-animations] Transitions on moving targets (was Re: Override of animation rule by !important)

On 29 January 2012 16:44, L. David Baron <> wrote:
> I don't see what it means to track the change to an underlying value
> when the only thing that triggers the transition is a change in
> computed value.  How do you partition the styles into those that are
> "before" only, those that are "after" only, and those that are both,
> as other dynamic changes continue to happen after the transition has
> started?

I don't know. All I can say is that to me it makes sense that me that
since standard rules and transitions produce a computed value, and
animations override that computed value with an interpolation between
a "from" and "to" value, then the "from" value could track what those
standard rules and transitions would have produced at each instant in
time, rather than the instant when animation started. And that
likewise could be done for !important flagged transitions, when they
override animations.

Maybe there's something I'm missing here, but your messages are not
getting me any closer to seeing it, and I'm not sure mine are any more
illuminating in turn. Frankly, I don't think this is going anywhere,
and is probably entirely superflous anyway since, as I said elsewhere,
the best option would probably be to interpolate from whatever the
intermediate animation value was at the moment the transition started.
I believe this is what implementations already do when one transition
interrupts another on the same property.


Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2012 01:44:24 UTC