Re: [css3-flexbox] flex-line-pack and stretch

On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 11:27 PM, Alex Mogilevsky <> wrote:
> The description of how line cross size is determined in multiline flexbox
> assumes that line height depends only on items in the line. It doesn't have
> an option for line to stretch to available cross-size of flexbox.
> That creates a problem: a multiline flexbox with only one line behaves
> differently from a single-line flexbox -- it is not possible to align all
> items to flexbox, it is only possible to align with siblings.
> There should be an option to make lines stretch to flexbox. One way to do
> that is to add
>      "flex-line-pack:stretch"
> value, which would stretch all lines equally in cross direction to fill
> flexbox -- as if their cross size was flex(1 auto).
> What do you think?

Sounds fine to me.  'stretch' doesn't have an easy model for
extension, but flex(1 auto) seems as good a definition as any.  Done.


Received on Monday, 30 January 2012 17:54:51 UTC