[css3-flexbox] spec review notes

I have reviewed the spec, have some editorial changes that I'll make directly; here are some issues that may need a discusion:

-- 1.1 new values for 'display'

    # 'column-*' values compute to their initial values

Why are multicol values singled out here? Are there no other properties that don't apply?

Is there a case for actually computing these values differently vs. ignoring?

-- 2.2.1. Positioning Absolutely Positioned Flexbox Items

    # These placeholders are anonymous inline boxes with a width and height of ‘0px’

Are they actually zero height or default line height? Maybe zero height is correct, just want to check.

-- 3.2. Display Order: the ‘flex-order<http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-flexbox/#flex-order0>’ property

It should have a note on drawing order. Maybe

    | 'flex-order' property doesn't affect drawing order of flexbox items.

-- 4. Flexibility: the ‘flex()’ notation

You have deleted "4.2 Resolving Flexible Length" in favor of layut algorithm - that's OK, but now this section doesn't say what flexibility means. It should at least say that flexbox distributes available space to its children proportional to flexibitliy.

-- 5.1. Main Axis Alignment: the ‘flex-pack<http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-flexbox/#flex-pack0>’ property

    # A previous revision of this spec allowed margins to flex directly...

I don't think that note needs to be there. It is more confusing than helpful for understanding the spec and it doesn't refer to any specific future plans.


    # By using a vertical flexbox and ‘flex-align<http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-flexbox/#flex-align0>’, we can emulate the functionality of HTML's <center> element:

Actually not exactly, "flex-align:center" is "true center", right? Alignment formulas are missing from layout algorithm btw, so alignment behavior is currently undefined

-- 6. Multi-line Flexbox

Line height: there is no option to stretch line cross size to flexbox (see separate email)

-- 6.1. flex-line-pack property

I think it should have two more values:

    'distribute' -- to match flex-pack

    'stretch' -- to stretch lines in cross direction (and it should be default)

-- ISSUE 6

    # Should flexbox lines be actual boxes in the box-tree, or just a theoretical construct to help define things?

The issue can be removed. There is no need for boxes in box tree, unless theoretical boxes would help in the spec (so far it seems ok without them).

-- Layout Algorithm

I have a lot of notes on that, will send separately.

Received on Monday, 30 January 2012 07:32:20 UTC