Re: [css3-flexbox] Computed value and flex-align/flex-item-align.

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 6:52 PM, Alex Mogilevsky <> wrote:
> ± From: Tab Atkins Jr. []
> ± Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 5:27 PM
> ±
> ± Computed values are evaluated as far as possible based solely on the value
> ± of other properties in the document, without relying on layout
> ± information.  'flex-item-align:auto' can be resolved based solely on the
> ± value of 'flex-align' on the parent, so it should be resolved at computed-
> ± value time.
> It sounds like I will have to add special code just to make getComputedStyle() happy. Layout works fine today without ever changing 'auto' to something else, but I guess if somehow it is important for OM, I can fix it. Do I?

As Boris says, this isn't about 'getComputedStyle()', it's about the
computed value, which is used elsewhere (such as inheritance).  I
would find it extremely odd if IE didn't have a direct notion of a
"computed value" stage that sets what is used for inheritance and
such, because every other browser does in some form.


Received on Friday, 27 January 2012 16:50:50 UTC