Re: [css3-regions] definitions of 'break-*'

On 01/25/2012 11:31 AM, Vincent Hardy wrote:
> fantasai wrote:
>>    # When a break splits a box, the box's margins, borders, and padding have no visual
>>    # effect where the split occurs. However, the margin immediately after a forced
>>    # page/column/region break will be preserved. A forced page/column/region break is
>>    # a break that does not occur naturally.
>> This paragraph is inaccurate and should be replaced by a paragraph stating simply that
>> breaking across regions is treated exactly the same as breaking across pages.
> [vh] I am happy to remove that if that is the right thing to do. It would help to understand why the paragraph is incorrect. The text is modeled after:
> which says:
> "When a page or column break splits a box, the box's margins, borders, and padding have no visual effect where the split occurs. However, the margin immediately after a forced page/column break will be preserved. A forced page/column break is a break that does not occur naturally."
> Is the text in regions saying something inaccurate compared to the multi-column spec? If so, can you point out what the issue specific to regions? Or is the issue in both regions and multi-column?

Both specs are wrong, given the existence of 'box-decoration-break'.


Received on Wednesday, 25 January 2012 21:26:26 UTC