Re: [css3-flexbox] computing "float" and "clear" on children of a flexbox

On 01/24/2012 08:38 PM, Alex Mogilevsky wrote:
> There is a little bit of a chicken+egg problem here when 'float' is set on inline element:
> 	1) 'float' makes the element block-level
> 	2) flexbox accepts the element as a flex item (because it is block level) rather than wrapping it
> 	3) flexbox layout ignores 'float'
> That's how it works in IE.

I'm not 100% sold on this... So for a <span> or an <i> element whose 
parent is a flexbox, the style "float:left" would be functionally 
identical to "display:block", as far as the rendering is concerned?

If that's how it's supposed to work, it'd be useful if that process & 
logic were spelled out more clearly in the spec.

My understood was more like "the flexbox itself doesn't establish a 
context for things to float in", and so the span would get wrapped in an 
anonymous block (along with any other contiguous inline non-atomic content 
(disregarding floats' effects on inline-ness)), and then floated to the 
left of the anonymous block.

I could easily be misunderstanding, though. :)


Received on Wednesday, 25 January 2012 08:21:26 UTC