[css3-marquee] What’s the state of this spec?

I was recently looking at the Current Work page, which reminded me of this spec. I've searched and couldn't find any posts in this list about the CSS Marquee Module [1] after 2008. Coincidentally, it seems that the CSS Animations Module started being developed in 2009. 

As it currently stands, it looks like a simple way to achieve a certain canned CSS animation. 

Also, according to my tests, there are no implementations at all. WebKit claims to support marquee-direction: reverse; and marquee-speed, but nothing more.

Does this spec serve any purpose now? Will it continue being developed, or will it get merged with css3-animations? What usually happens in these cases?

[1]: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-marquee/

Lea Verou (http://lea.verou.me | @LeaVerou)

Received on Sunday, 22 January 2012 23:14:47 UTC