Re: [css3-text] letter-spacing and degenerated grapheme clusters

(12/01/17 19:58), Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu wrote:
> C1. The spec to clarify and say if the font system can't provide a glyph
> for a grapheme cluster, the grapheme cluster is allowed to be treated as
> if it's a degenerated one (the term in UAX#29). You might probably want
> clarify letter-spacing for degenerated grapheme clusters (mainly for Cc
> and Cf, since U+200B is Cf) too.

s/and Cf/and Cn/. Sorry.

Just to clarify, I am not saying I believe this is too important and
should go into CSS3 Text. Tracking this inconsistency on this list
(which already happened), CSS4 Text, wiki page or Bugzilla all works for me.


Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2012 12:38:24 UTC