Re: Floating a figure next to the preceding paragraph

Rossen Atanassov (2012-01-17 04:25):
> From: Christoph Päper []
>>  <article>.
>>    <p>Foo</p>
>>    <figure>Bar</figure>
>>  .</article>
>>  Foo    Bar
> The only requirement would be to make the <article> an absolutely positioned container ('positoin:relative').
> figure {
>  wrap-flow: left; /* in this case 'both' would do as well */

The current Exclusions ED has no value called ‘left’ for ‘wrap-flow’, but ‘start’ seems to be equivalent here.

>  position: absolute;
>  top: 0px; 
>  right: 0px;
> }

However, ‘article’ may contain many ‘p’ and ‘figure’ in any number and order, of very different lengths (= heights). It seems I hadn’t made that clear enough in my initial posting, but I tried to elaborate on it in subsequent ones. 

So, like techniques using capabilities from other modules, I believe this one, too, would only work if there was a relative-postioned wrapper (pseudo) element containing the paragraph and figure in question only. Also, with absolute positioning multiple figures would not stack on the x- or, preferably, y-axis, but on the z-axis, which is not desirable. Some new kind of floating or positioning really seems the way to go here.

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2012 08:36:55 UTC