Re: [css3-syntax] CSS escape sequences

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> If significant numbers of authors are relying on the surrogate pair
> behavior, we should spec it.  If UAs report that it would be very
> difficult to fix their bug and they're not willing to do so, we should
> spec it.  Otherwise, we should keep the preferred behavior currently
> in the spec and file bugs on browsers to fix it.

Amen. Either way, the spec needs an update.

> CSS doesn't use a 'u' prefix on escapes, so the first part of this testcase
> is just wrong.

Apologies, I got mixed up with JavaScript again. Here’s a better test
WebKit browsers appear to drop the entire `content` declaration, while
other browsers display U+FFFD followed by either “?” (Trident) or “!”
(Gecko), or nothing (Presto).

> Opera 11.52 on Mac seems to use some sort of "half a surrogate" replacement
> characters or something.

Indeed, here’s a screenshot: High
surrogates and low surrogates get a different replacement character.

Received on Thursday, 12 January 2012 16:41:17 UTC