Re: [css3-text] graphical effects and text-decoration

On Jan 6, 2012, at 10:14 AM, "Tab Atkins Jr." <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 10:06 AM, fantasai <> wrote:
>> On 01/06/2012 05:24 AM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
>>> I can't think of any reason authors would want to have filters or opacity
>>> not apply to text decorations. Possibly authors
>>> might want to apply text-shadow or fill-with-pattern differently to the
>>> decorations, but we could mint new properties (similar
>>> to 'text-decoration-color') if that was desirable. Note that SVG defines
>>> 'fill' to apply equally to both text and its decorations.
>> So, to be clear:
>> u { color: blue; }
>> em { text-shadow: 2px -2px black; color: orange; }
>> <u>This is underlined <em>and shadowed</em></u>
>> would show a blue underline stretching across some orange and blue text.
>> The orange text would be shadowed, as would the part of the blue underline
>> underneath it?
> Yup.
> ~TJ

I don't like that. If the orange color didn't apply to the underline, then neither should the text shadow. Decorations that are only there because of propagation of an ancestor shouldn't be included in the inner element's shadow. 

Received on Saturday, 7 January 2012 08:29:24 UTC