Re: line-height suggestions and easier alignment

Scott Johnson wrote:

> Perhaps I'm missing something important, but isn't Richard just 
> advocating that we add another option so that an author could control 
> where the spacing for line-height is applied? I don't see why creating 
> an additional option that modifies the behavior of line-height, in a 
> future version of CSS, would be controversial. 

I'm not sure that it is controversial in itself. Rather, I think the 
whole manner in which CSS handles line height might be controversial. My 
own concern is that both the present CSS line-height behaviour and the 
proposed option might be overlooking factors from the font side that 
need to be understood. That was the spirit in which I provided 
information about how typographers generally reckon leading for aligned 
columns, as a baseline-to-baseline measure.


Received on Friday, 6 January 2012 22:12:14 UTC