Re: Forums

@Boris. I'm not sure that "being online" is a narrow use case...


I don't want this to degenerate into an argument. That doesn't mean
I'm not going to question people's existing structures and beliefs
about what works and what doesn't though.

Tab, very kindly, has illustrated a bunch of aspects that are relevant
and well put that someone not familiar with the www-style list and w3c
process couldn't know about.

The facts remain that _new users_ are not going to find the existing
methods of engaging with www-style simple, intuative, or easy to get
into. Forums are one way of fixing that. As Tab suggests, there may
well be others.

My main bug-bear is that I don't want to have to rely on the
functionality offered by an email client because that ties me to one
machine, one client, at one location. I imagine it does for a lot of
people. Much like the web we're trying to build for everyone: I think
priority should go to ease of access and interoperability. Mail
doesn't have that. Certainly not how it's set up now. Forums do, by
their nature.

Received on Thursday, 5 January 2012 19:16:22 UTC