Re: [CSS21] Default table border width in collapsing border model

On 1/4/12 10:14 AM, Christian Roth wrote:
> Before entangling in complex descriptions, here's an example that I do not understand the rendering of. It seems all major current browsers agree in their rendering, but i don't see how their rendering agrees with the spec.
> All browsers render the left border of the cell in the second row with a rather thin red line, when I would expect it to be 25px wide (initial left border width of the table, calculated as per 17.6.2) instead.

In this testcase, that border segment has only one border along it: the 
border of the table, right?

What rendering were you expecting?  A 25px thick red line?  If so, I 
think you may be misreading the "winning" border style is used 
as-is, without any admixture from other border styles....


Received on Wednesday, 4 January 2012 16:25:40 UTC