Re: Consider adding content(html) to display html source

Le 28/02/12 01:24, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :

> If you want to manipulate some code as text, you should either encode
> it as text by escaping the five important characters, or lobby for the
> reintroduction of<xmp>.  (I asked for this before; search the HTMLWG
> bugzilla for it.)

In fact (I'm just dreaming here), we could do that in a more CSS-ish

*::before { content: start-tag }
*::after  { content: end-tag }

where the two keywords represent the serialization of the start and
end tags of the element... With a reset stylesheet, we could then end
up with a code representation of the markup :-) CSS powaaaaa :-)


Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2012 01:21:43 UTC