Re: Proposition. Positioning content with guidelines

On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 1:34 AM, Alexander Shpack <> wrote:
>> [pcupp] Unification of all layout types into one is not a goal for the grid.  If that's the goal of the new layout your proposing that's fine, but just to be clear it isn't feedback that I can act on.
> Because it goal for the guidelines.

In my opinion, this is a fool's errand.  I don't think it's possible
to come up with a single layout model that solves all of the major
use-cases that the separate models we currently have can do.  I
believe the complexity of having several layout models is a worthy
cost for the benefit of making it simple and easy to solve problems
once you decide with model to use.

>>>Every author's solution, IMO, should as simple as possible. I don't want to create dozens of media queries, megabytes of CSS for every specific case, browser should rearrange the content automatically.
>>>This is dreams of many coders. Grid layout is not better than floats or tables (display: table-cell), this is different view of one thing.
>> [pcupp] The grid isn't better or worse, but it is substantially different than both floats and tables.  It addresses a different set of scenarios like dividing up the space in a viewport or building a control out of HTML primitives.  I like to compare the grid to absolute positioning, except instead of using lengths to specify the position of the item, you express the position using grid lines; the location of which can be determined by sizing functions that space the grid lines based on a length, the contents between two lines, or remaining space in the grid.
> I think, Tables + Flexes + Regions may completely substitute Grid layout

I strongly disagree.  I don't think it's possible to replicate some of
the common use-cases, even with complex combinations of those three.
Many simple cases can be replicated with them, but it'll be more
complex than doing it with Grid.


Received on Monday, 27 February 2012 22:27:24 UTC