RE: [css3-grid-layout] grid cell stacking (overlap / subrows / subcolumns / flow)

> From: François REMY [] 
> Would it be possible/desirable to define a “grid-cell-stacking: overlap | rows | columns | flow” property, whose :

At the Seattle F2F we decided to remove grid-cell-stacking and the grid-cell pseudo-element from the grid spec.  There was some discussion about it on this mailing list in this thread [1] and you can review the discussion from the F2F minutes [2].  

The editor’s draft [3] reflects our latest thinking.  The working draft hasn’t been updated yet because we also published a detailed track sizing algorithm at that time that we wanted to let bake.  It should be updated soon as we just resolved to update it during the last telcon.





Received on Friday, 24 February 2012 21:49:17 UTC