Re: [css3-images] Referencing <svg> element directly with element()

On 2/24/12 1:30 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> This is an incredibly huge pain to implement in the face of dynamic chages,
>> because to do dynamic changes properly you need a useful concept of the "old
>> style", and you're completely breaking that because the "old style" suddenly
>> has circular dependencies on itself.
>> This approach is not workable as currently written, imo.
> We have an existence proof that it's workable, given that Firefox
> already implements this behavior:
> <>.
> Just remove the / guarding the 'display' property, and the image will
> revert back to its paint-source appearance, sans border or size
> change.

That's using an <img>, for which the bitmap it generates DOES NOT DEPEND 

What we are discussing is your proposal that for an <svg> element the 
generated bitmap depend on styles, but on some totally different set of 
styles from the ones the element actually has assigned... and that this 
totally different set only be used in situations when the element 
happens to have certain "real" styles.  Is that a fair summary of your 


Received on Friday, 24 February 2012 18:43:28 UTC