Re: [css-layout] display: proxy (or display: ignore, contents, whatever)

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 10:01 AM, François REMY
<> wrote:
> Maybe a small suggestion as long as I’m spamming the mailing list with my
> mails (sorry about that, I think it’s my last one, for now) :
> The current scheme for HTML has been to “wrap” elements inside other
> elements (unsemantic formatting-purposed section DIVs...). However,
> proposals such a “grid” can solve things that were solved by wrapping
> before. I’m asking myself if we could not add a new value to the display
> property whose effect would be :
> display: proxy;
> Ignore the current element in the layout tree (all of its children are
> inserted in the layout tree as direct children of the parent element, and
> the element itself isn’t rendered at all).
> That could also be used to group elements semantically while they should be
> in a grid, hence children of a single element. If we set “display: proxy” to
> the grouping elements, they are ignored at render but present at markup for
> semantic purposes.

Yes, I've started work on a Display Module over at the w3c github. I
haven't actually done anything useful on it yet, but it'll have
display:contents in it.


Received on Friday, 24 February 2012 18:27:51 UTC