Re: flexbox and box-sizing

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 8:18 AM, Philip Walton <> wrote:
> Disclaimer: This is my first post to this list, so feel free to tell me if
> this email should be sent somewhere else.
> I've been playing around with the new flexbox in Chrome and Webkit
> nightlies, and it seems that the webkit implementation ignores box-sizing:
> border-box. Before filing a bug or anything, I wanted to make sure my
> opinion of what should happen is actually the same as the intention of the
> spec.
> Imagine the following setup:
> - you have a flexbox with two child flexbox-items
> - each flexbox-item has a width of 50%
> - each flexbox-item has padding: 1em
> - each flexbox-item has box-sizing: border-box
> After reading the spec and specifically the "Flexbox Layout Algorithm", It
> seems to me that flexbox-items should handle widths and box-sizing the way
> normal elements do, but that doesn't appear to be the case.
> Is this a bug in Webkit's implementation or is there somewhere that the spec
> address this that I've missed?
> Here's a jsfiddle example illustrating the issue:

The spec is *supposed* to handle box-sizing, but I could easily have
accidentally omitted handling it from important parts of the

I'll have to dive in and see if this is a spec bug or an
implementation bug.  (Go ahead and file a bug on WebKit anyway - in
either case, our behavior will have to change.)


Received on Thursday, 23 February 2012 16:34:36 UTC