Re: [css3-values] Physical length units

I'd be up for compiling something like that with input from others.
Should I start another thread for this purpose?

On 19 February 2012 18:06, Lea Verou <> wrote:
> On 19/2/12 19:49, Matthew Wilcox wrote:
>> I'm sure it has, and I don't expect anything to change with regard to
>> this - decisions have already been made and CSS has a history it's
>> going to maintain. I still don't like the result.
>> I don't see CSS development to be sustainable in the long term without
>> the ability to author to a specified version. These "we can't do that
>> because it breaks backward compatibility" things will eventually be
>> one of the main causes for replacement technologies.
>> I'm with Chris Epstein and co; CSS is the worst aspect of the web
>> medium:
> I think it would be more productive if someone compiled a list of all these
> things where almost everyone agrees they should be different, but we can't
> do it due to backwards compatibility reasons. Ideally with pointers to the
> relevant www-style discussions.
> This would be very useful as part of the csswg wiki too, for two reasons:
> a) It would give everyone a better sight of the big picture as to whether a
> version switch is really needed.
> b) It would be a place we could point newcomers to, in order to avoid
> discussing the same issues over and over again.
> Given Matt's passion, I think he would want to help with a draft version of
> that list and a CSS WG member could take it from there.
> --
> Lea Verou ( | @LeaVerou)

Received on Sunday, 19 February 2012 18:22:48 UTC