Re: [css3-fonts] simplifying font-variant-ligatures

Eric Muller wrote:

> In Flash, we have implemented the equivalent of what you propose (a
> single axis), and we have had a strong push to move to what you
> currently have (three separate axis).

What's the motivation behind the push to separate axes?  Keep in mind
that the 'font-feature-settings' property *does* provide access to the
separate features.  I think having a single axis covers the majority of
use cases (e.g. discretionary-ligatures).

> You do not mention when rlig and clig are or are not applied? I suppose
> that you intend rlig to be always on. I would suggest to lump clig with
> liga.

The 'clig' feature is enabled with 'calt' via the 'contextual' value of
'font-variant-alternates' and is assumed to be on by default.

For 'rlig' the assumption is that it's always enabled when necessary,
i.e. it's a default feature for OpenType fonts.  But adding a note to
explain this explicitly would make sense.


John Daggett

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2012 20:02:03 UTC