Re: [css3-2d-transforms] Implementation report

Le 08/02/2012 19:53, Simon Fraser a écrit :
>> I only had two minor issues that were already reported here:
>> >  
>> >  1. e and f in matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) really are lengths, not unit-less numbers
> The WG just resolved today to leave 'e' and 'f' unit-less, for better compatibility with matrix3d() and SVG.

Ok. It only remains that section 4 should say explicitly that e and f 
are in pixels.

I think that there is no loss of functionality since matrix(a,b,c,d,E,F) 
can be written matrix(a,b,c,d,0,0) translate(Epx, Fpx), and the second 
form can be changed to em or %.

>> >  2. The syntax for transform-origin should probably be unified with background-position.
> This was the original intention, but addition of the Z parameter for 3D transforms results in ambiguity. This issue needs to be resolved somehow:
> <>.

How do css3-2d-transforms and css3-3d-transforms interact? I’ll most 
probably only implement the former.

I’ll keep transform-origin parsed as background-position for now and 
update when this is resolved.


Simon Sapin

Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2012 20:19:42 UTC