RE: [css3-regions] issue: is first region initial containing block

> From: Brad Kemper []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 6:34 PM
> What it the purpose of this restriction? If authors wants that behavior, they can
> just set 'position:relative' on the first block. Why must it be prescribed as a
> containing block?

Set position:relative on first region or root element of named flow?

Both may work sometimes but not quite.

If first region is position:relative and it is the nearest positioned ancestor of absolute positioned element in named flow, positioned content will be literally relative to the first region, not in the fragmented flow. Something positioned at "top:<first-region-height>" will be under the first region, not in second region (assuming that is what would happen in paged media -- defining that precisely is a separate issue).

If the idea is to set position:relative to root block of named flow - that's not even possible. There is no root block, or at best it is anonymous.

It *can* be defined that if first region is positioned it becomes ICB, but it eliminates some behavior options, specifically the behavior I described above.


Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2012 20:02:35 UTC