Re: [css3-animations] Editability of CSS 3 Animations

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 7:01 AM, Daniel Glazman
<> wrote:
> Le 03/02/12 15:54, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :
>> I meant make up some reasonable defaults *for the purpose of
>> previewing*.  You even suggest that perhaps 1s would be a good default
>> duration.  Just use that in your preview to show the general effects
>> of the keyframes while people are editting them.
> You understand that from a UX point of view, having 0s animations
> look like 1s animations is a catastrophe ?
> Similarly, all animations that will run with an animation-delay
> that is not set in the rule setting animation-name
> will appear starting at 0s... Urgh.
> I perfectly understand the compromise you're proposing, and I am
> saying this compromise is here to save a technical change at the
> cost of editability and UX. Given the importance of CSS 3 Animations,
> I think editability is a too major feature to go that way.
> I'd love to hear from Apple people here.

You're in charge of the editor.  You can, *when people are editting
the 'animation' property*, preview the actual duration/delay/etc
they're using at that point, and even call out a 0s duration as "you
probably didn't mean to do that".  Just use the defaults when you're
previewing the @keyframes rule specifically.

Even if you bake default durations into the @keyframes rule, people
can change it at the point of use.  It seems like the same argument
for why this is bad would apply.


Received on Friday, 3 February 2012 15:09:34 UTC