RE: [css3-regions] regions forming stacking contexts

> From: [] On Behalf Of Robert O'Callahan
> Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 2:12 AM
> Here's another example of questions arising from the latter. Consider two regions R1 and R2, 
> where R1 is position:relative and R2 is position:static, and we flow content into the regions 
> containing an element that's position:absolute. How do we determine the abs-pos containing 
> block of the element? Is it possible for the element to split into multiple boxes with different 
> containing blocks? Could a simple layout change, such adding some text to the DOM before the
> abs-pos element, push the abs-pos element from R1 to R2 and thus change its containing block?

Well, I will wholeheartedly agree that separate stacking context per region is a good way to preserve sanity.

Different positioning for regions shouldn't be a problem though. The initial containing block for named flow is the first region. Not sure it is clearly defined now, but it is that way in paged media (first page is the ICB) and it better be same in regions. And I don't even want to think of abs pos elements in regions not being positioned inside regions (which could possibly be considered with this line of thinking).

Received on Thursday, 2 February 2012 10:57:07 UTC