Re: [css3-regions] auto widths and heights of regions

On 4/18/12 9:45 PM, "Brad Kemper" <> wrote:

>On Apr 18, 2012, at 12:46 PM, Alan Stearns <> wrote:
>> Note that part of this new section is related to one of the concerns
>> generating regions. The question of "what happens if there is too much
>> content for the region chain" can be addressed in continuous media by
>> making the last region in the chain height:auto. That's not a complete
>> solution, but this seemed to me to be a necessary first step.
>If an author didn't do that, and the last box had a limited height, then
>I think it would be reasonable for excess content to move I to the
>regular (non-region) flow. In other words, breaks would not be ignored in
>the last box, and for region-overflow:break (which should be the initial
>value), excess content on the final region _would _be rendered, because
>it would break into the normal flow.

I'm not sure this would be a good idea. All other boxes with constrained
heights follow the same overflow rules, so I'd rather regions match that

If we did something different, we'd have to define what breaking into the
normal flow means. Does content not contained in the region chain go back
to its initial position in normal flow? This could be upstream of the last
region and introduce new layout conundrums. If instead the overflow
content breaks out at the trailing edge of the last region in the region
chain, what happens with abspos regions? I'm not sure I see a benefit as
this latter case seems quite similar to either setting the last region to
overflow:visible or just making the region auto-height.



Received on Sunday, 22 April 2012 23:25:25 UTC