Re: [css3-fonts] Addition of font-size: xxx-large

Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

> > 2. <span style="font-size: <number>px"> where <number> is the
> > initial font size in pixels times three. 
> That won't work as it needs to be relative. 

Why does it need to be relative?  Why not allow percentages instead?

I'm fuzzy on the details of the execCommand API but it seems like the
proposed editing API should be treating the old size values as
obsolete, just as the <font> element is, and allow an additional set
of values oriented towards style usage. That way someday in the future
all user agents can drop support for size=7 altogether.


  document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "150%");

It seems like adding xxx-large to work around interop problems for the
styleWithCSS = true case is getting it backwards. We should be
changing the syntax of execCommand to allow more CSS-like relative or
absolute values.

A value named 'xxx-large' just seems wrong on so many levels...


John Daggett

Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2012 06:50:11 UTC