Re: [css3-transitions] Transitions from display:none

> I don't think my proposal is nearly that heavyweight.

OK, it's possible that I'm mixing up the various proposals.

> Here it is again,
> see for
> the fuller context:

OK.  This seems somewhat reasonable, yes.  The task basically needs to 
save off the before/after change values (the ones that led to the 
browser noticing a change in the first place).

One issue here is that the transition start would be async, so either 
there will be a lag between style change and start or the start event 
will fire at time != 0 in the transition.  Maybe that's OK; it's not 
like timing of transition starts is so precise anyway.

> Concretely with this proposal in Sylvain's example the transition would
> not occur in either of the scenarios he mentions:
> = "blue";
> = "block";

Why would there be no transition in this case?

> = "block";
> = "blue";

Or in this one?

> or in this slightly trickier one:
> = "blue";
> document.body.offsetTop; // forces a style flush, at least in WebKit
> = "none";

This one is explicitly covered by your proposal, yes.


Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2012 01:43:08 UTC