Re: [css3-flexbox] "<flex> can also transition to and from a <length>"

On 04/06/2012 11:14 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> Yes, 'auto' in 'flex' should transition iff the value for width/height
>> is transitionable.  Let's see if I can fix that up...
> Okay, I've attempted to fix this.  Now, if the <preferred-size> token
> is ''auto'', the preferred size *concept* is the value of the main
> size property.  'flex' is transitionable iff the preferred size is
> transitionable.
> Does this work?

I think so, with one exception -- the paragraph that defines "preferred
size" seems to imply that there will always be a valid 'main size
property' that we can query. (which isn't true when we're not a flexbox

In particular, this chunk seems to assume that we have a main axis:
If the <preferred-size> component is ‘auto’, the preferred size is the
main size property's value.

It might be worth adding "on a flexbox item" to that sentence, making it
instead say:
"If the <preferred-size> component is ‘auto’ **on a flexbox item**" [etc]


Received on Friday, 6 April 2012 19:05:08 UTC