Re: [css3-values] accessibility review

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 6:55 PM, Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu
<> wrote:
> (12/03/31 2:13), Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Cynthia Shelly <> wrote:
>>> 5.1.2
>>> Are ‘ vw’ ‘vh’ ‘vmin’ supported in any existing browsers?
>>> Is there a way to specify a minimum absolute size for these?  It seems like
>>> this could easily get too small to read.
>>> It does, however, seem useful for scalable/zooming UI
>> The v* units are currently supported in IE, and a patch applying them
>> to WebKit is nearly finished.  I'm not sure of their status in other
>> browsers.
>> There is no way to set an absolute minimum size for them.  The v*
>> units are effectively identical to using percentages; their advantage
>> is that you don't need the entire ancestor chain to be "100%" in the
>> relevant property.
> Would something like 'min-width'[1] and 'min-height' in @viewport
> fulfilll this need?

Maybe, but that seems to have greater effects than what they're asking for.

> A side comment, it seems reasonable to have the 'animation' shorthand
> accept <frequncy> to simultaneously set 'animation-iteration-count' to
> 'infinite' and 'animation-duration' to the reciprocal, but I am not a
> Web Developer and I am not sure if this is useful.

It's slightly weird to have a single shorthand value set multiple
longhands, but it's not unknown.

Worse is that the largest frequency unit is Hz, and animations rarely
repeat *faster* than once per second, so you'd always be using
fractional values.  I don't think this offers enough benefit over the
current system to be worth pursuing.

>>> 8.3 attribute reference
>>> It would be great to have an example of using this to style elements with
>>> ARIA attributes on them.  Would you be willing to work with PF and WCAG on a
>>> set of techniques around this, in addition to a simple example in the spec.
>> As far as I know, there's no aria attribute where you'd ever want to
>> use its value as a CSS value.  You want to apply properties *based on*
>> the values, but that's done with Selectors.
>> Do you have an example to the contrary?
> It seems interesting combination if attr() supports 'element' as a
> <type>. Something in the line of
>  [aria-describedby] {
>     nav-left: attr(aria-describedby element);
>  }
> but again, I am not close to knowing ARIA much to actually raise such a
> proposal. What do you think?

This seems potentially useful.  I'd like to pursue it in V&U 4.


Received on Thursday, 5 April 2012 02:06:01 UTC