Re: [css3-background] clarify which properties in this module apply to ::first-letter and ::first-line

On 04/03/2012 01:07 PM, Brian Manthos wrote:
> That's the kind of deeper evaluation and clarification that I think is warranted.   Thank you.
> Next question:
> When a customer reports an "IE9 bug" because we enforce the about-to-be-removed conformance requirement and thus their page renders differently in IE9 vs. other browsers, where will the rationale below be captured for reference?  Is there a place where such valuable information is stored?  Or should I rely on the archive for this mailing list as the only official reference.

Well, you could point to the spec at the then-current official spec and
explain that at IE9's release, the property was restricted, but when the
LC errata were folded in the restriction was loosened to allow (but not
require) support for box-shadow on ::first-line. In both cases IE9 remains
100% compliant to the spec.

BTW, I think "how to" questions on responding to customer support requests
is off-topic here. :)


Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2012 20:57:29 UTC