Re: [css3-animations] Case sensitivity of @keyframes

Le 26/09/11 16:49, Øyvind Stenhaug a écrit :
> The grammar for @keyframes includes this line:
> keyframes-rule: '@keyframes' IDENT '{' keyframes-blocks '}';
> However, at-rule keywords are generally case-insensitive (the only
> exception I can see in 2.1 is @charset). Neither WebKit nor Gecko
> require lowercase for their prefixed versions of @keyframes.

Yeah. It should really be a KEYFRAMES_SYM in the grammar
with a

@{K}{E}{Y}{F}{R}{A}{M}{E}{S}   { return KEYFRAMES_SYM;}

in the lexical scanner.


Received on Monday, 26 September 2011 17:00:48 UTC