[css3-text] text-transform: full-width should take <narrow> decomposition mappings into account as well

When surfing through Unicode database and UAX#44[1], I found text-transform: full-width should take not only <wide> decomposition mappings but also <narrow> tag as well.

So, I'd like to propose to change this text:
The mapping to fullwidth form is defined by taking code points with the <wide> tag in their Decomposition_Mapping in [UAX44] and mapping their
decomposition (minus the <wide> tag) back to the original code point.


The mapping to fullwidth form is defined by taking code points with the <wide> and the <narrow> tag in their Decomposition_Mapping in [UAX44]. For the <narrow> tag, the mapping is from the code point to the decomposition (minus the <narrow> tag), and for the <wide> tag, the mapping is from the decomposition (minus the <wide> tag) back to the original code point.


[1] http://unicode.org/reports/tr44/#Property_Values

Received on Monday, 12 September 2011 19:21:59 UTC