Re: [cssom] exposing loading of font (and other) resources

On 9/2/11 2:18 PM, Edward O'Connor wrote:
> Hi,
> It would be nice if there were a reliable way for Web authors to be
> notified when their @font-face resources have successfully loaded.
> Currently authors resort to several hacks to acheive this.
> One option would be to have objects in the CSSOM that correspond to each
> embedded resource referenced from within the loaded stylesheets. Authors
> could then attach event handlers to such objects, query their current
> state, etc.
> Another, perhaps more author-friendly option would be for some new event
> to be fired at the Document whenever a resource linked to in CSS gets
> loaded. The event would carry information about which resource(s) it
> refers to.
> Thoughts?

Does this apply, equally, to CSS images?
background-url:, content: url, etc.

Received on Friday, 2 September 2011 21:27:58 UTC