Re: [css3-linebox] Line Grid Proposal

On Jul 14, 2011, at 4:52 PM, fantasai wrote:

> On 07/03/2011 11:44 PM, Florian Rivoal wrote:
>> As discussed in the last telcon, I would like to see a written down version
>> of Elika's alternative proposal for line grid.
> Alright, here's a rough draft, from the minutes. Note there are many details that
> need to be worked out.
> The 'line-grid' property
> ------------------------
> The 'line-snap' property
> ------------------------
> Open Issues
> -----------
>  - Defining a tolerance so that in mixed font situations the line grid can still
>    be used to establish a baseline rhythm
>  - Snapping the border box to the line grid. This functionality could be specialized
>    to the line grid, but I think it's better to look for a generalized snap-to-grid
>    feature that could be used with the grids established by the grid module as well
>    as the grid established by 'line-grid'
>  - Defining an offset for the line grid (could be a second parameter to 'line-grid')
>  - Establishing and snapping to a character grid (vertical lines to control horizontal
>    placement).

Is this still the latest proposal for line-grid? I wanted to make a couple of suggestions:

(1) Just make line-grid establish a two-dimensional grid (both for line and character snapping).
(2) Rename line-snap to line-grid-snap and allow it to take additional values to say you also want to snap line box left/right edges. I like the algorithm you've specified for the 'bounds' value and feel that it could apply for character snapping also, so perhaps instead of using the term 'bounds' you could talk in terms of edges, e.g.,

line-grid-snap: before-after-edges
line-grid-snap: start-end-edges
line-grid-snap: all-edges

I'm sure we could come up with better syntax than the above, but you get the idea.

I think border box snapping should be similar to the edge snapping I mentioned above, so either you'd make a new property that looks a fair bit like line-grid-snap, or you could try to overload it into line-grid-snap. I think I'd prefer a new property, but it's tricky to come up with good names for both properties…

line-box-grid-snap and box-grid-snap perhaps?


Received on Tuesday, 25 October 2011 21:07:48 UTC