Re: [css3-gcpm] paged presentations, page floats, paged navigation between documents

Also sprach David Hyatt:

 > > overflow: auto /* takes care of x and y */; overflow-block-prog-dir: paged-inline-dir;

 > > That way (ignoring for now how long it is too write), you could
 > > cause the extra pages to be arrayed in a strip in the inline
 > > progression direction, and have automatic scrollbars in the
 > > inline direction when an unbreakable line got too long. this also
 > > has good fallback.

 > I don't think that's a particularly desired user interface…
 > especially considering that you want swiping gestures in the inline
 > direction to flip through the pages. Having a scrollbar would
 > muddle that, since swiping might then have to scroll you first
 > before maybe flipping pages when you hit the scrolling boundaries
 > of the page.

Agreed. Another arguement is that the paged mode often will be used in
combination with multicol layout. And columns are clipped:

 > One idea for how to solve the 2-up problem is just have additional
 > overflow values, e.g., paged-2-x.

Hmm. What would that mean? For example:

  div.section { overflow: paged-2-x }

would it mean that the "section" box is split in two, with a page on
each side? If so, is there any distance between the pages? Or, does it
mean that the "section" box is cloned and that that clone is put on
the side/after the original? In any way, it doens't compute in my mind.

Another alternative is to clone the element through the DOM. You then
get two boxes that can be paged independently. By keeping them in sync
(through a DOM), you can make them look like the spread of a book. You
can style them differntly -- say, give them different background
images -- as long as the font sizes and other dimensions are kept the
same. If not, your pages will be out of sync.

I don't know if these kinds of tricks should be promoted, but it seems
possible to do. Here's a code example:

Here's how that opening pages look in a recent Opera build:  

and, after pressing the next page:  


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 17 October 2011 10:39:47 UTC