Re: Comments from PFWG on CSS3 Speech Module

On 11 Oct 2011, at 20:25, Janina Sajka wrote:
> 8.)	voice-stress:
> Seems to provide limited utility, hijacking, and implementation difficulty. 
> voice-stress is marked as at-risk, and we support dropping it from the final specification. 

Point taken.

> If retained, Consider the more descriptive name: | voice-emphasis, rather than
> voice-stress. | Stress sounds only angry. | Emphasis has less emotion to it.

The SSML specification states that "emphasis" is also referred to as "prominence" or "stress".

Historically - all the way back to the non-normative CSS2.1 Aural Stylesheets appendix - the term "stress" has been used for the CSS property itself. The term "emphasis" was (and still is) used to describe the effect from variations of loudness, rate, and/or other factors.

On a personal / subjective level, I am fine with this (theoretical) default user-agent style declaration:

voice-stress: strong;
font-style: italic;

Please let us know if you would still like the 'voice-stress' property to be renamed.
Many thanks!
Regards, Dan

Received on Friday, 14 October 2011 09:04:24 UTC