(unknown charset) Re: [css3-values] 3.4.5 Angles

On 03/11/2008 05:32 PM, Christoph PŠper wrote:
> | Angle values (denoted by <angle> in the text) are used with aural cascading style sheets.
> It should be noted that they might be used by other parts of CSS, too. Skewing and rotating are frequently requested, e.g. for
> table headers, even if current plans might restrict usage to intervals of 90¡. Of course <angle> actually should have been
> used for the hue value in 'hsl()' and 'hsla()'. <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2005Jul/0319.html>

I simply removed the mention of aural CSS from the definition.

> | deg: degrees
> | grad: grads
> | rad: radians
> | turn: turns
> These should be briefly explained by giving their number per full angle, i.e. 360, 400, 2á¹, 1.


> The description of 'grad' should include a mention of the alternative name "gon".

I'm unfamiliar with the term. Is the plural "gons"?

> I would also like to propose another unit called 'pi' as a usable alternative to 'rad', although "1pi" would equal "0.5turn"
> which isn't that cumbersome already. I believe I have mentioned this idea earlier, but using 'pirad'.

Given we have 'turn' already, I don't think this is especially useful.
Granted I don't think 'rad' is especially useful, either, because we
don't have 'pi', but it's implemented already...

> | Angle values should be normalized to the range 0-360deg by the user agent.
> This might not be useful for animation, i.e. rotations -- even if such are not yet specified in CSS.


Let me know if the edits are satisfactory.



Received on Tuesday, 11 October 2011 00:16:59 UTC