Re: [css3-lists] remove "Complex Counter Styles" and "Optional Extended Counter Styles" sections

Also sprach Tab Atkins Jr.:

 > > > (Though, if we *did* decide that we didn't care about values past 100
 > > > or so, I'm pretty sure I could express them as an additive style in a
 > > > much shorter way than explicitly listing values in a non-repeating
 > > > style.)

Seeing that, shorter, additive, description would also be helpful.

 > > That's a very good reason for writing it out. So, yes, I'd like to see it.
 > I don't understand.  I didn't give a reason to write it out.  I gave
 > reasons *not* to write it out: it's a non-trivial amount of work for
 > me

But you're asking UAs to implement the algorithm, no? 

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Friday, 25 November 2011 23:19:44 UTC