Re: [css4-color] HLC <= CIE-La*b*

Kevin Bortis:
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Christoph Päper

Tab was a bit faster than myself answering. I agree with everything he wrote.

> The only other solution would be rad,  but this is not practical because PI is a never ending floating point number.

Since ‘rad’ is unusable in practice, I suggested the unit ‘pi’ or ‘pirad’ for the <angle> value type before, but I’m fine with having ‘turn’, because they’Re in a simple 2:1 relation.

> Why should it be impossible to add the possibility for such color
> definitions as: { color: aliceblue 0.5 } in the level 4 color module?

Think about the ‘background’ or ‘border’ shorthand properties, for example.

> Here is my proposal for the CSS Level 4 color module, copied from

That’s the message I replied to and cited relevant parts from, why did you repost it?

Received on Monday, 21 November 2011 18:09:33 UTC