Re: Public releases prefixes off-by-default (was RE: Unprefixing CSS properties)

On 11/18/11 6:04 PM, Brad Kemper wrote:
> I think that would be fine in the early stages. I hope it doesn't happen for very popular properties and values that languish for years

If popular properties are languishing for years, then with all due 
respect this group is not doing the work it's chartered to do.  And then 
the right solution is probably to route around the damage, reach some 
sort of inter-UA agreement (a la what happened with HTML when it 
languished for years) on the properties, unprefix, and move on with life.

> I'd hate to see something like CSS3 PIE ( get developed to add CSS3-4 features into Gecko.

I seriously doubt that would happen; what I describe above seems much 
more plausible.


Received on Friday, 18 November 2011 08:48:58 UTC