Re: Public releases prefixes off-by-default (was RE: Unprefixing CSS properties)

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Brian Manthos <> wrote:
> Tab:
>>> I believe that we browsers shouldn't expose prefixed
>>> properties in our public versions.  Exposing them in betas or
>>> nightlies still lets people experiment with the features without them
>>> showing up in publicly-exposed websites or adopted as valid practices.
>>> We've discussed this seriously within Chrome, and I believe roc likes
>>> this as well.  There are difficulties with it (convincing the release
>>> engineers to accept pushing an untested binary to beta because we
>>> switched off some prefixed features), but I think it's doable.
> Rob:
>> I think it's a good idea overall. I would relax it slightly to say that
>> "browsers shouldn't expose prefixed properties in our public versions
>> *by default*." Both Firefox and Chrome routinely ship experimental stuff
>> in release builds but disabled by default, explicitly enablable by the
>> user. This reduces the risk of changing the binaries you ship, and lets
>> authors more easily access the experimental features.
> What's stopping Firefox and WebKit from doing this today (all prefixed properties are off-by-default in public versions)?
> W3C / CSSWG policies aren't prohibiting such behavior.
> If it's the right thing to do, why not flip the switch today?

I'm drafting a proposal to send to our release engineers right now.

I double dare you to do the same.  ^_^


Received on Thursday, 17 November 2011 21:32:48 UTC