Re: [css3-writing-modes] [CSS21] bidi of replaced inline elements

On 05/26/2011 02:27 AM, Aharon (Vladimir) Lanin wrote:
>>  With regards to replaced elements and their bidi behavior, there are
>>  two cases to consider:
>>   - what happens when the image falls back to its alt text
>>   - what happens if the image is intended to represent a character
>>     (that is not otherwise encoded or representable)
>>  In the first case, the element's effect on its surrounding text
>>  should be no different whether it is rendered as replaced or as
>>  text. In this case, we should be treating it as you say -- by
>>  handling it with the appropriate embedding codes.
> I would argue that in this case, whether rendered or replaced,
> the best effect to have on the surrounding is no effect at all,
> i.e. the effect of a neutral character (or if you prefer to think
> of it that way, unicode-bidi:isolate).

We can't do that, because when the alternate contents are rendered,
the element is no longer a replaced element, and bidi controls will
take effect as for a regular inline element.


Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2011 06:13:44 UTC