Re: [css3-lists] Published as WD!

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 8:29 AM, Brad Kemper <> wrote:
> On May 29, 2011, at 8:55 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>>> With my version's concept, you could write something like this:
>>> li::marker { content: "→ " first-scoped("b") ":"; font-weight: normal; }
>>> li b { color: red; }
>>> li::marker i { color: green; font-weight: bold; }
>>> and this markup:
>>> <li><b>102.51.31<i>b</i></b> In accordance with section <b>103</b>, bla
>>> bla</li>
>>> <li><b>102.51.31<i>c</i></b> yada yada</li>
>>> And end up with something like this:
>>> → 102.51.31b: In accordance with section 103, bla bla
>>> → 102.51.31c: yada yada
>>> which only the ::marker rule styles the marker text and the only thing
>>> red is "103", because the first B of line is no longer part of the LI
>>> content.
>>> Since the B element would still exist inside the marker, it would still
>>> receive the general styling of bold, unless overridden as in the example.
>>> But it wouldn't be in the primary box of the LI any more, and wouldn't get
>>> LI B styles.
>>> I think this is unambiguous and much easier to understand, and more in line
>>> with your other ::marker concepts. Even 'position:marker' is not as clear
>>> and simple. (I'm not tied to the name, "first-scoped()",
>>> "scoped-descendant()", "select-within()", or whatever.)
>> This actually starts to sound more like a Region thing, where you're
>> reflowing an element into another place.  That should be doable, but
>> it's also more complex than you strictly need here.
> Come on; that is clearly a misrepresentation. It is not even close to that complex. It is more like footnotes, but even simpler than that. It is taking an element (or maybe just its contents) out of where it appears in the source and putting it in another place that never varies. There is no crossing of boundaries, no writing rules based on two different selectable locations,  no need for "flows" or concatenation of multiple flows, and there is a simple, clear way to select exactly one element for the content for each marker. It is not complex at all, and it does not depend on the Regions module.

Footnotes are a Regions thing too.  ^_^  This is the same
functionality as Regions, and unless you put arbitrary restrictions on
it, it's got roughly the same complexity and problems.  For example,
why *wouldn't* you want the ability to put multiple elements into the
::marker, if you have the ability to put one?

>>  I'll go ahead and
>> just spec position:marker for now.
> OK for now, but please note as issue for further consideration. I hope it can be discussed and considered by more than just one or two people to determine the best route forward.



Received on Monday, 30 May 2011 17:21:00 UTC